Last year, one of our partners, Jamal Guthrie from LNZRT, published a piece on Racism in the Music Industry. It highlighted some of the many problems within the industry that desperately need addressing.
Andrew Foggin, our Global Head of Music, and I sat down to figure out what we could do to help, which included setting a goal to create a global network of actively anti-racist venues.
We co-hosted think-tank sessions with Jamal and his partner at Route, Georgia Hardy, to encourage and facilitate open conversations with people throughout the industry, from promoters to artists to venues. As a result of the sessions, we were able to identify some of the main issues that need significant improvement and create suggestions for how we can make meaningful change.
At this point, it’s important for me to highlight that we’re not the experts here – but DICE cares deeply about the issue of racism in the music industry and we want to share the steps we’re taking to tackle it. This is a summary of the feedback and research we’ve collated, which we are also sharing with partners to support their growth.